Just one more example. To run this example you will need the following file(s): ./hd.box, grains.box. If the example requires more than one file, then you should put them into the same directory. You can then launch Box/Boxer with box -l g ./hd.box or boxer ./hd.box.
//!BOXER:VERSION:0:1:1 include "g" GUI = Void Window@GUI[] //!BOXER:REFPOINTS:BEGIN gui1 = Point[.x=91.689501833, .y=2.41289767442] gui2 = Point[.x=21.4671452991, .y=3.41047040359] gui3 = Point[.x=44.6029230769, .y=20.9530860987] //!BOXER:REFPOINTS:END include "grains" w = Window[][ Put[hd] Put[grains, (40, -15), Scale[0.8]] Texts[Font[5, "sans"], color.black "a)", From[(0, 0)], (-30, 25); "b)", (38, 25)] ] GUI[w] w.Save["hd.png", Window["rgb24", .Res[Dpi[100]]]]