Simple explanation of GMR effect


To run this example you will need the following file(s): ./ If the example requires more than one file, then you should put them into the same directory. You can then launch Box/Boxer with box -l g ./ or boxer ./


include "g"
GUI = Void

gui1 = Point[.x=19.0839694656, .y=39.2857142857]
gui2 = Point[.x=83.2061068702, .y=8.41836734694]
gui3 = Point[.x=44.9984133122, .y=39.7857742564]
gui4 = Point[.x=11.4673170347, .y=49.4646]
gui5 = Point[.x=87.4480159624, .y=-35.3649412903]
gui6 = Point[.x=32.3199644013, .y=32.6856284211]
gui7 = Point[.x=26.7106367852, .y=-5.669515625]
gui8 = Point[.x=19.0870386399, .y=-24.466671875]
gui11 = Point[.x=64.5852933754, .y=38.7659802395]
gui15 = Point[.x=18.333404644, .y=44.1108716418]
gui16 = Point[.x=106.520537855, .y=43.8605610778]
include "electric"

GMRDevice = (Int parallel,)

  BBox[gui4, gui5]
  corner1 = Point[gui1], corner2 = Point[gui2], p1 = Point[gui3]
  color_soft = Color[color.grey, .a=0.3]
  color_hard = Color[(0.6, 0.8, 1)]
  color_up = Color[(1, 0.5, 0)]
  color_down = Color[(0, 0.5, 1)]
  style = Style[Border[0.5,]]

  dx = p1.x - corner1.x
  x0 = corner1.x, x1 = x0 + dx, x3 = corner2.x, x2 = x3 - dx
  y0 = corner1.y, y1 = corner2.y
  Poly[color_hard, style, (x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1)]
  Poly[color_hard, style, (x2, y0), (x3, y0), (x3, y1), (x2, y1)]
  Poly[color_soft, style, (x1, y0), (x2, y0), (x2, y1), (x1, y1)]

  p = Point[(0.5*(x0 + x3), y0 + 5)], v = Point[(15, 0)]
  Line[, 1, p - v, Scale[1.2], arrow_triangle, p + v]
  Text[Font["sans", 4], p, From[(0.65, -0.5)], "electron flow"]

  p2 = Point[gui6]
  x = 0.5*(x0 + x1), y = 0.5*(y0 + y1)
  Line[, (x, p2.y), 1.0, Scale[1.7], arrow_triangle, (x, y + (y - p2.y))]
  x = 0.5*(x2 + x3)

  big = 1.0, small = 0.7*big
  size1 = small, size2 = big
  [If[$.parallel == 0]
     Line[, (x, y + (y - p2.y)), 1.0, Scale[1.7], arrow_triangle, (x, p2.y)]
  [If[$.parallel == 1]
     Line[, (x, p2.y), 1.0, Scale[1.7], arrow_triangle, (x, y + (y - p2.y))]
     size1 = big, size2 = small
  p1 = Point[gui7]
  y = p1.y, x = p1.x
  p00 = (x, y), p01 = (0.5*(x0 + x3), y), p02 = (x3 - (x - x0), y)
  r00 = $$.Put[resistor, "rt", .Scale[big], .Near[1, p00], .Near[2, p01]]
  r01 = $$.Put[resistor, "rt", .Scale[size1], .Near[1, p01], .Near[2, p02]]

  y = Point[gui8].y
  p10 = (x, y), p11 = (0.5*(x0 + x3), y), p12 = (Point[p02].x, y)
  r10 = $$.Put[resistor, "rt", .Scale[small], .Near[1, p10], .Near[2, p11]]
  r11 = $$.Put[resistor, "rt", .Scale[size2], .Near[1, p11], .Near[2, p12]]

  p1 = 0.5*(p00 + p10), p2 = 0.5*(p02 + p12)
  Lines[0.4, r00.Get[2], r01.Get[1]; r10.Get[2], r11.Get[1];
        r10.Get[1], p10, p00, r00.Get[1]; r11.Get[2], p12, p02, r01.Get[2];
        p1, (x0, p1.y); p2, (x3, p2.y)]
  Circles[0.5, p1; p2]
  vs = Point[(2, 0)], p = (x0, p1.y) - vs, v = (0, 3)
  Lines[color_up, p - v, Scale[0.65], arrow_triangle, p + v;
        p00 - vs - v, arrow_triangle, p00 - vs + v]
  p -= vs,
  Lines[color_down, p + v, Scale[0.65], arrow_triangle, p - v;
        p10 - vs + v, arrow_triangle, p10 - vs - v]

  p1 = Point[r00.Get[(1.5, 0.3)]],  p2 = Point[r01.Get[(1.5, 0.3)]]
  p3 = Point[r10.Get[(1.5, -0.3)]], p4 = Point[r11.Get[(1.5, -0.3)]]
     Texts[Font["sans", 5]
           p1, From[(0.5, 0)], "R_{HI}"; p2, "R_{HI}";
           p3, From[(0.5, 1)], "R_{LOW}";  p4, "R_{LOW}"]
     Texts[Font["sans", 5]
           p1, From[(0.5, 0)], "R_{HI}"; p2, "R_{LOW}";
           p3, From[(0.5, 1)], "R_{LOW}";  p4, "R_{HI}"]]


w = Window[][
  dev_par  = Window[][GMRDevice[.parallel=0]]
  dev_anti = Window[][GMRDevice[.parallel=1]]
  Put[dev_par,  (0, 0)]
  Put[dev_anti, bb = BBox[dev_par], (bb.max.x, 0)]
  Texts[Font["sans", 5], gui15, From[(0, 0)], "a)";
        (Point[gui16].x, Point[gui15].y), "b)"]


w.Save["gmr.png", Window["rgb24", .Res[Dpi[100]]]]

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