Domain wall in five-layer exchange spring system


Just one more example. To run this example you will need the following file(s): ./ If the example requires more than one file, then you should put them into the same directory. You can then launch Box/Boxer with box -l g ./ or boxer ./


include "g"
GUI = Void

gui1 = Point[.x=25.5173711187, .y=15.0382159091]
gui2 = Point[.x=67.9417991169, .y=42.5137840909]
gui3 = Point[.x=16.2507179545, .y=6.94322887701]
gui4 = Point[.x=122.793297172, .y=5.9301744]
gui5 = Point[.x=15.4882522727, .y=11.0090770053]
gui6 = Point[.x=106.984134091, .y=8.72203743316]
gui7 = Point[.x=38.6163779545, .y=7.45145989305]
gui8 = Point[.x=13.0467310112, .y=89.9390269737]
gui9 = Point[.x=124.366616629, .y=3.54001876833]
gui10 = Point[.x=60.2195722727, .y=8.72203743316]
gui11 = Point[.x=83.8560084091, .y=8.72203743316]
gui12 = Point[.x=2.72526761269, .y=47.0889002079]
gui13 = Point[.x=60.958856492, .y=27.1273880588]
gui14 = Point[.x=13.7087977221, .y=88.0737285393]
gui15 = Point[.x=26.1563938497, .y=40.8722670455]
include "arrows"

Cylinder = ++(Point pos, Real rx, ry, l)

  p = $.pos, vx = Point[($.rx, 0)], vy = Point[(0, $.ry)]
  vl = Point[($.l, 0)]
  Poly[p, (p += vl)
       0, 1, (p += vx), (p += vy), (p += vy), (p -= vx)
       0, 0, (p -= vl)
       0, 1, (p += vx), (p -= vy), (p -= vy)]

InfoBox = ++(Point pos, size, Real round, Style style)

(.[)@InfoBox[.pos = (0, 0), .size = (10, 10), .round = 0]

  p = $.pos
  vx = Point[$.size, .y = 0]
  vy = Point[$.size, .x = 0]
  Poly[$.round, p, (p += vx), (p += vy), (p -= vx)]

FiveLayers = (Int on_the_left,)

  sx = 40, hx = 5, rx = 3, ry = 12           // Sizes
  scol = Color[(0.7, 0.7, 1.0)], hcol = Color[(0.3, 0.3, 1.0)] // Colors
  fecol = color.white, dycol = color.white
  jcol =

  draw_with_border = Style[.Border[0.1,]]
  draw_without_border = Style[.Border[0.0]]

  p = Point[gui1]
  c1 = Cylinder[.pos=p, .rx=-rx, .ry=ry, .l=hx]
  c2 = Cylinder[.pos=p + (c1.l, 0), .rx=-rx, .ry=ry, .l=sx]
  c3 = Cylinder[.pos=p += (c2.l, 0), .rx=-rx, .ry=ry, .l=hx]
  c4 = Cylinder[.pos=p + (c3.l, 0), .rx=-rx, .ry=ry, .l=sx]
  c5 = Cylinder[.pos=p += (c2.l, 0), .rx=-rx, .ry=ry, .l=hx]

  scol_g = Gradient[Line[p, p + (0, 2*ry)], dk = Color[scol, .Darker[0.75]]
                    dk, 0.3, scol, 0.5, scol, 0.75, color.white, 0.9, scol, 0.95, scol, dk]
  hcol_g = Gradient[Line[p, p + (0, 2*ry)], dk = Color[hcol, .Darker[0.75]]
                    dk, 0.3, hcol, 0.5, hcol, 0.75, color.white, 0.9, hcol, 0.95, hcol, dk]

  hcol_g, c1, scol_g, c2, hcol_g, c3, scol_g, c4, hcol_g, c5

  hcol2 = Color[hcol, .Darker[0.7]]
  Circle[hcol2, c5.pos + (c5.l, ry), rx, ry]

     p = gui2
     Line[jcol, vx = (10, 0), 0.7, p - vx, arrow_triangle, p + 1.3*vx ]
     Text[Font["helvetica", 4],
          p, From[(0.5, -0.25)], "  flow of\nelectrons"]]

  y0 = c1.pos.y + c1.ry
  x0 = c1.pos.x, x1 = c3.pos.x, x2 = c5.pos.x + c3.l

  //[If[!$.on_the_left], x: = x2, x2 = x0, x0 = x]

  v = 9  // Fe arrow size
  n = 17 // Num arrows
  dx = (x2 - x0)/n
  dy1 = Point[(x0, y0)]
  dy2 = Point[(x1, y0)]
  dy3 = Point[(x2, y0)]

  Line[0.3,, dy1, dy3]

  arr = Arrow2D[.width=1.0, .head_width=1.5, .head_length=3.0, .border=0.1

  x = x2
  angle = 0.0
  i = 0
    x = Real[x0 + i*dx, If[$.on_the_left], x2 - i*dx]
    p = (x, y0)
    angle = Int[0]
    [If[$.on_the_left], angle = Max[0, 180*(x - x1)/(x0 - x1)]]
    [If[!$.on_the_left], angle = Min[180, 180*(x - x2)/(x1 - x2)]]
    a = Deg[angle]
    Arrow2D[arr, .p_start = p, .p_end = p  + v*(Cos[a], Sin[a])]
    For[++i <= n]

    Circle[gui13, 8.0, Color[color.white, .a=0.5]
           Style[Border[0.8,, Dash[2]]]]]

  s = 1.2
  hard_arr = Arrow2D[arr, .p_start=dy1, .p_end=dy1 - (v*s, 0)
                     .width*=s, .head_width*=s, .border*=1.5]
  Arrow2D[hard_arr, .p_start=dy2, .p_end=dy2 + (v*s*(2*$.on_the_left-1), 0)]
  Arrow2D[hard_arr, .p_start=dy3, .p_end=dy3 + (v*s, 0)]

   p = Point[gui3]
   p2 = Point[gui4, .y = p.y]

   Texts[Font["helvetica-bold", 5], draw_with_border
         dy1, From[(1.7, 1.7)], "M_H";
         dy2 + (1.5*($.on_the_left-0.5)*v+3, 0), From[(0.9, 1.6)], "M_H";
         dy3, From[(-0.9, 1.7)], "M_H"]
   Texts[Font["helvetica-bold", 5], draw_with_border, fecol
         (0.5*(x0 + x1), y0), From[(0.5, 1.5)], "M_S";
         (0.5*(x1 + x2), y0), From[(0.5, 1.5)], "M_S";]
   //, .Font["times-italic"], p2, .From[(0.5, -0.8)], "x"]]
   //Line[, p, 0.4, arrow, p2]
   //Circle[, (0.5*(x0 + x1), p.y), 0.8]


     Color[color.white, .a=0.5], draw_with_border
     ib1 = InfoBox[.pos=gui5, .round=0.1, .size=(12, 6)]
     ib2 = InfoBox[.pos=gui6, .round=0.1, .size=(12, 6)]
     ib3 = InfoBox[.pos=gui7, .round=0.1, .size=(12, 6)]
     ib4 = InfoBox[.pos=gui10, .round=0.1, .size=(12, 6)]
     ib5 = InfoBox[.pos=gui11, .round=0.1, .size=(12, 6)]
     ib5.pos.y = ib4.pos.y = ib2.pos.y = ib3.pos.y = ib1.pos.y

     ib1, ib2, ib3, ib4, ib5

     color.white, draw_without_border,
     Texts[Font["helvetica", 3.5], From[(0.5, 0.5)]
           ib1.pos + 0.5*ib1.size, "HARD";
           ib2.pos + 0.5*ib2.size, "HARD";
           ib3.pos + 0.5*ib3.size, "SOFT";
           ib4.pos + 0.5*ib4.size, "HARD";
           ib5.pos + 0.5*ib5.size, "SOFT";]


w = Window[][
  BBox[gui8, gui9]
  before = Window[][FiveLayers[.on_the_left=1]]
  after = Window[][FiveLayers[.on_the_left=0]]

  Put[before, Point[gui12, .x=0]]

  Texts[Font["arial", 5],,
        gui14, "(a)", From[(0, 0)];
        Point[gui15, .x=Point[gui14].x], "(b)"]

w.Save["fivelayers.png", Window["rgb24", .Res[Dpi[150]]]]


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