Two different types of exchange springs


Just one more example. To run this example you will need the following file(s): ./ If the example requires more than one file, then you should put them into the same directory. You can then launch Box/Boxer with box -l g ./ or boxer ./


include "g"
GUI = Void

include "g"

color_soft_layers = Color[0.88] //Color[0.9]
color_hard_layers = Color[0.75] //Color[0.6]

Color.Darker = Void
  v = 0.835**$
  c = Color[HSV[$$$, .v *= v]]
  $$$.r = c.r, $$$.g = c.g, $$$.b = c.b

b = 0.5
l = 50

// cs1 = Color[0.8]
// ch1 = Color[(0.6, 0.7, 1, 1)]
cs1 = Color[color_soft_layers]
ch1 = Color[color_hard_layers]
ch2 = Color[ch1, .Darker[3]], cs2 = Color[cs1, .Darker[3]]
ch3 = Color[ch2, .Darker[3]], cs3 = Color[cs2, .Darker[3]]

skew_angle = Deg[45]

clustered = Window[]
layered = Window[]

  face1 = Window[][
    \ .Poly[ch1, (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]
    \ .Circle[cs1, (0.3, 0.2), 0.1; (0.65, 0.5), 0.08; (0.3, 0.75), 0.09;
              (0.7, 0.2), 0.11; (0.1, 0.7), 0.07; (0.9, 0.9), 0.08]
    \ .Hot["bottom-left", (0, 0), "top-left", (0, 1), "bottom-right", (1, 0)
           "soft", (0.95, 0.9), "hard", (0.8, 0.7)]

  skew_vec = 0.3*Point[.x=Cos[skew_angle], .y=Sin[skew_angle]]

  face2 = Window[][
    face := Window[][
      \ .Poly[ch2, (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]
      \ .Circle[cs2, (0.3, 0.2), 0.1; (0.65, 0.5), 0.08; (0.3, 0.75), 0.09;
                (0.7, 0.2), 0.11; (0.1, 0.7), 0.07; (0.9, 0.9), 0.08]
    \ .Put[face, Matrix[.m12=skew_vec.x, .m22=skew_vec.y]]
    \ .Hot["bottom-left", (0, 0)]

  face3 = Window[][
    face := Window[][
      \ .Poly[ch3, (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]
      \ .Circle[cs3, (0.3, 0.2), 0.1; (0.65, 0.5), 0.08; (0.3, 0.75), 0.09;
                (0.7, 0.2), 0.11; (0.1, 0.7), 0.07; (0.9, 0.9), 0.08]
    \ .Put[face, Matrix[.m11=skew_vec.x, .m21=skew_vec.y]]
    \ .Hot["bottom-left", (0, 0)]

  \ clustered[
    front = .Put[face1]
    \ .Put[face2, "t", .Near["bottom-left", front.Get["top-left"]]]
    \ .Put[face3, "t", .Near["bottom-left", front.Get["bottom-right"]]]
    \ .Hot["soft", front.Get["soft"], "hard", front.Get["hard"]]

  num_layers = 5
  layer_ratio = 2.0

  hw = 1.0/(num_layers + layer_ratio*(num_layers-1))
  sw = hw*layer_ratio
  dw = hw + sw

  face1 = Window[][
    \ .Poly[cs1, (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]
    i = 0, \ .Poly[ch1, y = dw*i, (0, y), (1,  y), (1, y+hw), (0, y+hw)
                   For[++i < num_layers]]
    \ .Hot["bottom-left", (0, 0), "top-left", (0, 1), "bottom-right", (1, 0)
           "soft", (0.05, 0.85), "hard", (0.05, 0.73)]

  skew_vec = 0.3*Point[.x=Cos[skew_angle], .y=Sin[skew_angle]]

  face2 = Window[][
    face := Window[][
      \ .Poly[ch2, (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]
    \ .Put[face, Matrix[.m12=skew_vec.x, .m22=skew_vec.y]]
    \ .Hot["bottom-left", (0, 0)]

  face3 = Window[][
    face := Window[][
      \ .Poly[cs3, (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]
      i = 0, \ .Poly[ch3, y = dw*i, (0, y), (1,  y), (1, y+hw), (0, y+hw)
                     For[++i < num_layers]]
    \ .Put[face, Matrix[.m11=skew_vec.x, .m21=skew_vec.y]]
    \ .Hot["bottom-left", (0, 0)]

  \ layered[
    front = .Put[face1]
    \ .Put[face2, "t", .Near["bottom-left", front.Get["top-left"]]]
    \ .Put[face3, "t", .Near["bottom-left", front.Get["bottom-right"]]]
    \ .Hot["soft", front.Get["soft"], "hard", front.Get["hard"]]

Square = ++(Point c1, c2, Int n)
([)@Square[$$.n = 0]
Point@Square[[If[$$.n == 0], $$.c1 = $], [If[$$.n++ == 1], $$.c2 = $]]

  c1 = $.c1, dx = $.c2.x - c1.x, dy = $.c2.y - c1.y,
  c1, c1 + (dx, 0), $.c2, c1 + (0, dy)

out = Window[][
  d = 50, x0 := -d - 0.5*l, x1: = x0 + 2*d, x2 := x1 + 2*d, y: = 65
  left: = .Put[clustered, (x0, 0), .Scale[l]]
  right: = .Put[layered, (x1, 0), .Scale[l]]
  b: = 5, c1 := (x2, 0.5*y), c2 := c1 + (0, 2*b)
  s = Style[.Border[, 0.2]]
  \ .Poly[Square[c1, c1 - (b, b)], cs1, s]
  \ .Poly[Square[c2, c2 - (b, b)], ch1, s]
  .Text[.Font["Sans", 8],
        .From[(0, 0.5)], (x0, y), "a)"; (x1, y), "b)";
        c1 + b*(0.8, -0.5), .From[(0, 0.5)], "soft";
        c2 + b*(0.8, -0.5), .From[(0, 0.5)], "hard"]
  .Show[(d, y+5), (d, y-5), c1 + b*(5, 0), (x0, 0) - b*(5, 0)]
  .Save["es_types.png", Window["rgb24", .Res[Dpi[50]]]]


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