DW in ferromagnetic constriction


Just one more example. To run this example you will need the following file(s): ./ If the example requires more than one file, then you should put them into the same directory. You can then launch Box/Boxer with box -l g ./ or boxer ./


include "g"
GUI = Void

gui1 = Point[.x=-48.3426481572, .y=23.8678340517]
gui2 = Point[.x=48.0946531969, .y=-24.1355860987]
gui4 = Point[.x=-0.633093684211, .y=-12.8453210526]
include "arrows"

w = Window[]

  \ w.Show[gui1, gui2]
  constr = Point[(30.0, 1.0)]
  bodies = Point[(30.0, 20.0)]
  c = Color[(1, 1, 0.85)]
  c_arrows = Color[(1, 0.2, 0.0)]

  x0 = 0.5*constr.x
  x1 = x0 + bodies.x
  y0 = constr.y
  y1 = bodies.y
  \ w.Poly[Style[.Border[0.3,]], c
           (-x1, -y1), (-x1, y1), (-x0, y1), (-x0, y0), (x0, y0), (x0, y1),
           (x1, y1), (x1, -y1), (x0, -y1), (x0, -y0), (-x0, -y0), (-x0, -y1)]

  x2 = (4*x0+6*x1)/10
  \ w.Line[c_arrows, v = -(8, 0), 1
           ctr =  (x2, 0), ctr+v, arrow_triangle, ctr-v;
           ctr = (-x2, 0), ctr-v, arrow_triangle, ctr+v]

  n = 5, i = -n
    x = x0*i/n
    angle = const.pi*0.5*(1 - Real[i]/n)
    \ w.Line[ctr = (x, 0), 0.5, ,
             v = 8*(Cos[angle], Sin[angle])
             ctr, arrow_triangle, ctr+v]
    For[++i <= n]

  w.Text[.Font["sans", 3]
         gui4, .From[(0.5, -0.2)], "magnetisation\n   rotates by\n 180 degrees"]

w.Save["constriction.png", Window["rgb24", .Res[Dpi[150]]]]


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