the output produced by Box To run this example you will need the following file(s): ./ If the example requires more than one file, then you should put them into the same directory. You can then launch Box with box -l g ./
// Under a shell type: box -l g // --- // One arrow and one closed line. include "g" include "arrows" Curve = Point (Real r, a)@Curve[angle = 8.0*Atan[1]*$.a, $$ = $.r*Vec[angle]] w = Window[] a = 0.0 af = 0.64 \ w.Line[(x=8*(1-a)), Curve[(100.0, a)], x For[(a += 0.005) < af] arrow_triangle, Curve[(100.0, af+0.02)],] a = 0.0, af = 1.0 \ w.Line[line.smooth, x=3-Sin[50.0*a], x, Curve[(50.0, a)], x For[(a += 0.02) < af] .Close[],] w.Save["curved_arrow.eps"]