Installation instructions ========================= There are different ways to get Box and Boxer running on your machine: - `Using a package manager`_: use the package manager of your distribution; - `Installation from source`_: can be done easily on Unix platforms (Linux, Mac OS) and somewhat less easily on Microsoft Windows platforms; - `Installation on Windows`_: just a matter of downloading a zip archive. The executable can be used immediately after unzipping the archive. Using a Package manager ----------------------- Box and Boxer can be found in the package repositories of a number of distributions: - `Fink (Mac OS) `__ (unstable); - `Arch Linux `__ - FreeBSD: `Box `__, `Boxer `__ Other useful links: - `Softpedia `__: `Box `__, `100 % free award `__ Installation from source ------------------------ Download the tarball from ``__. This is usually a file with name such as ``box-X.Y.tar.gz``, where X.Y are the major and minor version numbers. Untar and configure the package with:: tar xzvf box-0.2.tar.gz cd box-0.2 ./configure --prefix=/usr ``configure`` outputs a summary at the end. Be sure it looks like that:: Configuration summary: ---------------------- Support for the Cairo 2D graphic library: yes If you get a ``"no"`` then check that the Cairo graphics library ``__ is installed on your system together with the development files. On Ubuntu and Debian derivatives, you can install it with:: sudo aptitude install libcairo libcairo-dev You should enter the root password when necessary for the installation to proceed. Reconfigure the package with ``./configure --prefix=/usr`` in case you had to install the Cairo development files. You can then start the compilation process with:: make If the compilation is succesful:: sudo make install The Box executable, libraries and headers are installed on your system. You can take a look at the man page with:: man box Further help and hints with the installation can be found in the ``README`` and ``INSTALL`` files inside the package. The manual is online at ``__. If you need further help, take a look at the examples. Note for installation on Mac OS ------------------------------- If you compiled Box from source on Mac OS and you experience problems when loading libraries (``-l g`` seems not to work as it should), try to reconfigure Box with the additional option ``--with-included-ltdl``, such as:: ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-included-ltdl and then compile it again. This should force the use of the provided ltdl (libtool) library and should fix the bug. Installation on Windows ----------------------- Download the zip file from ``__. This is usually a file with name such as ````. Unzip the archive. You'll find the Boxer executable in ``boxer-0.2.0\boxer.exe``. Double click on the file and the Boxer windows should appear. The manual is online at ``__. If you need further help, take a look at the provided examples.